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WTH is Refresh Rate

What is Refresh Rate ?

If you imagine screen as a person, refresh rate is the number of times he blinks , to refresh the contents. You can also imagine it as a flipbook **0m*ore the drawings associated to with it smoother it seems.

Hz is the enchanting metric by which Refresh rate and generally old phones have 60 Hz .

Why High Refresh Rate ?  

A higher refresh rate is nothing short of a lifeline in the gaming world. It's your secret weapon, your guardian angel, your extra set of eyes in the digital realm. With every increase in Hertz, it's as if time itself becomes a plaything, gifting you those precious milliseconds to react, to dodge, to strike. It's the fine line between life and death, the split-second decision that can change the course of your virtual destiny.

The higher the refresh rate, the screen metamorphoses into a boundless ocean of fluidity, a symphony of dynamic visuals, and a responsive canvas of pure dynamic frame. 

Problem with Higher Refresh Rate...

But the problem with high refresh rate phones like 120 Hz is quick draining of battery and it can reduce the resolution power.

The Solution 

LTPO...Low Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide which is a technology enables you to adapt the Refresh rate from 1 Hz to 120 Hz based on the application running.

This Technology is like a when going into a hotel and the server already knows what you want to eat and the chef knows how to cook it perfectly to your taste. The Display understands the content being shown and adjusts the refresh rate.

Why is LTPO a big thing ?

LTPO is a big breakthrough because it didnt need any external display controller or GPU to dynamically change the refresh rates.

Is there any difference between OLED and LTPO ?

We have two types of Transisitors in a OLED display...Switching TFT (Thin Film Transistord) to on or off the pixel in a display and Driving TFT to maintain the brightness. Driving TFTs use IGZO transistors ( Indium Galium ZInc Oxide ) which require far more less energy.

LTPO is tweaked version of OLED...OLED has a Organic Emissive Layer , Backplane and a Protective glass surface. OLED has a LTPS backplane whereas a LTPO has both LTPS and IGZO.


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