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Why we should never drink Soft Drinks ?

"Feel the Fizz🫧" so you can fizz ☠️ out of the world...….

          😅 I saw so many soda factory 🏭 workers quit their jobs. They said it was a lot of fizzical labor🧑‍🏭️.

          😆 My friend thought he was drowning in orange 🟠 soda in search of a better world. It turns out; it was his Fanta-sea 🧙 .

Come Lets find why this captivating 🪄 fizz with a eruption 🌋 of carbonated bubbles enriches the tantalized taste buds 😋 by its symphony of cruelty😈.

Soft drink is basically 💧Carbonated water , a lot of sugar , preservatives , synthetic colors 🎨, stabilizers and emulsifiers.

1) ⭕ Zero Nutritional Value
             Soft drinks give nothing but a burp and a refreshing 😌 feeling with extra calories which could be a potential lunch 🍽.

2) 🍯 Sugar , Sugar , Sugar....
             1 liter of coke 🥤 has 108 gram of Sugar which is far from the advised limit 🚫 of sugar consumption of a average adult🧑 which is 30g.

3) 💥 Preservation for the drink and Annihilation for you
              Sodium Benzoate , a preservative in soft drinks reacts with ascorbic acid to produce Carcinogenic Benzene ☣️ in the body.

4) 🌈 Colorful Soda and Your Colorless life
              Miranda and Fanta use a synthetic color called E110 - Sunset Yellow FCF 🌅 which has been proven to cause hyperactivity and attention issues in children👶.

5) 😖 Messed 7UP Body
              Soft Drinks can cause 😷 Type 2 Diabetes , Obesity , Digestion Problems , Osteoporosis and even Cancer 🎗 !

# 😱 More than 1.9 Billion Servings of Only Coke is consumed EVERY Day in 200 countries except North Korea and Cuba !

So Whether its Coke , Pepsi or even DIE- t Coke be careful...😨



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