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Showing posts from June, 2023

Why are Cashew Nuts so Expensive ?

                 # How does a nut say good bye to another nut? I'll Cashew (catch you) later bro.                 # I'm releasing a new line of sleep πŸ€ͺ  aids featuring melatonin-infused almonds, cashews, and pistachios. Here are Doze (those) nuts. Come Lets Crack open the Costly Mystery ? Cashews can cost you from 500 to 1000 for 1 kg of gently curved crescent πŸŒ™ moon with a tint of golden hue powered by a buttery aroma and a nutty, velvety culinary treat to the taste buds. 1) The extraction process is labor intensive and hazardous as the cashew shell secretes a harmful, toxic oil containing "Anacardic acid" , hence labour should be provided with protective equipment. 2) Cashews being a popular nutritional delicacy its demand has been steeply increasing but supply could meet the global expectation thereby shooting its price. 3) Cashews are not efficient but lack productivity and yield. A cashew fr...

Why is palm oil so cheap ?

               A fitness freak asked for some fat free 🍟 fries and the waiter gave him regular french fries.😲 Man was shocked and said " It has oil dripping , I asked you fat free fries ". The waiter replied " We charge only for the fries not for the fat ".πŸ˜‚ From 5 star to Maggi, Shampoo to bread........Its everywhere and we drink ( consume ) a lot literally 8 L every year. 😱 Come Lets find Why palm oil is sooo CHEAPP ??  1) These Palm trees are so adaptable and resilient...They just grow all round the year and in literally any soil.  2) Palm trees is so efficient and productive thereby significantly reduction production cost.  3) Palm oil production is concentrated in the Southeast Asia mainly Malaysia and Indonesia - places where labor costs are very lowπŸ‘‡. Sadly Palm oil is in that good for the Nature....Its production has led to large scale deforestation, hence accelerating CO2 emissions. So whether palm oil is cheap or tast...

Why we feel Dizzy under the Sun ?

Which is faster, heat or cold? Heat, because you can catch a cold!πŸ˜… Come Lets Discover the reality of ☀  Sun sucking the energy from us...... During hot summers , when the temperature rises the blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow. As Skin is primary place of sweating out most of the blood is directed there and hence other organs like Brain 🧠 face starvation hence confusing them and become 😡 dizzy. Excessive sweating leads to decrease in waterπŸ’¦ content in blood and thereby less blood volume continuing the vicious 🚴 cycle. How prevent a Heatstroke ??  1) Gulp in a Pomegranate or any juice πŸ₯€as soon as possible.   2) Stay Hydrated and move to shady place and cool your skin  (Cold Shower) as soon as possible.  3) Avoid prime Sun time like the "NOON".  4) Avoid doing any sort of work - as it can worsen your condition. So whether its hotπŸ”₯  , hotter πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯  or hottest πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯this is Sun's Masterstroke.

Why do we forget the dream so soon ?

  I have decided to pursue my engineering dreams......GOOD πŸŒƒ Night.πŸ˜…  Come Lets discover the Forgetful character of DREAM.... Sleep has 2 main phases - Non Rapid Eye Movement Sleep & Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep which continuously cycle 🚴. Memory saving is done by neurons stimulated by "Norepinephrine" which is hormone which causes binding of information on a specific location in the 🧠 brain. Dreams usually arise in the REM sleep, which have low levels of norepinephrine......reducing the memories of your πŸ€ͺ crazy dreams. The bizarre content of dreams without any structure or coherence also makes it difficult to consolidate it. So whether it is a dream or reality you would forget it one day in πŸ§“ old age.

Why Wet Clothes look Dark ?

                                  When I was in college, I used to do my roommate's laundry, and he used to do mine. I guess we both were maid for each other.πŸ˜… Come lets Find the Science behind Dark Mystery of Wet clothes... We see color because of reflection and absorption of light. If a cloth absorbs all colors except blue then it would be blue in color. In wet clothes on a microscopic level a thin layer of water πŸ’¦  is formed which causes light to undergo Internal Reflection, Refraction and more Absorption thereby decreasing the amount of light. So whether it is a expensive coatπŸ§₯ or a night πŸ‘— things become dark after a drop of water.

Why isn't the keyboard in alphabetical order?

                  I decided to take the really big key off my keyboard and throw it away. It’s a waste of space.πŸ˜… Come lets find why ⌨️ keyboards have a weird design... Once upon a time there lived a crow....Sorry-Once upon a time , people typed so fast in the mechanical keyboards that it got jammed..old machines were old in technology so a guy called Sholes came and designed it in such a way that it would be hard to type.This Layout is called " QWERTY ".This Layout crept into the Computer keyboards too. #FUN-FACT : This the first 6 letters of the top line row. But Slowly the pattern became a convention and no one wanted to turn it back on the large scale though there is a layout called "DVORAK" which is experimentally ergonomic. So whether it is a qwerty or a quirky keyboard what is there is all 26 πŸ”  letters.

Why People become Bald ?

             Why are bald people very easily manipulated by a shower? B ecause when they take a bath, they get brainwashed!πŸ˜… Come Lets Find Why Hair's relationship with The skull πŸ’€ declines with age. The main criminal for Male Baldness is "Di-Hydro-Testosterone" ( DHT ) including Genetic disorders ( I think πŸ’¬ if we inherit the land and the wealth πŸ€‘ of our father and grandfather we should also inherit their diseases right ? ) . During the πŸ“ˆ growth of the skull and the πŸ’ͺ muscles in the forehead and neck , which leads to increase in tension in a tight band of tissue stretching over the top of the head. The more DHT there is, the more these muscles contract, which causes inflammation and brings in more DHT causing hair loss. DHT also has a direct control over the thickness of hair and effect on the development of hair follicles. So whether it is a 18 year Teenager or a 65 year Grandfather DHT is killing your hair...

Apple's Secret to Trillion dollar πŸ’΅ Company

  I just saw a customer rob an Apple store.Strange. It’s usually the other way around.Hope we have i-Witness for the rescue.πŸ˜… Come Lets discover the strategies Apple 🍎 uses to sell a iPhone for double the price... @1 Apple has nearly 45% profit margin on iPhones 1) Endowment Effect           Macbooks and iPads are tilted precisely at 76° far from viewing angle which calls for an adjustment in angle.This touch of us on a product makes it more probable for us to buy it. 2) Apple's store is designed in a well thought layout in a seducing way to allure you into their ecosystem. You don't need to wait on a queue! 3) They reworded Technical desk to " Genius Bar ".Genius conveying expertise and bar instead of desk signalling a sense of ease. 4) There are literally no price labels !! You and your experience is more important than the price.... 5) Bro ! They have a Employee (" Specialist") handbook which has a list of banned 🚫 words..... They are not allowed to u...

Why coloured soaps produce white foams ?

          W hat did the soap say to the hands as they were being washed?   I think we're in sink ( sync )...πŸ˜… From Green πŸ’š Dettol , Yellow πŸ’› Santoor, Black πŸ–€ Cinthol , White 🀍 Dove to even Transparent Pears every soap 🧼 gives  white foam.... Come Lets find the white mystery of soap. Soaps mix with air and water πŸ’¦ while washing which results in formation of bubbles  πŸ’­ or lather. Only a ultra thin layer of soap which has micro amount of colourant gets involved.....and when natural white light πŸ•―️ attacks the bubble leading to continuous scattering.Hence colours are ineffective to bubbles. #If soap lather is kept in a monochromatic red ♥️ or blue πŸ’™ light the bubble will appear red or blue.. So whether your soap kills 99% or 99.999% your soap will produce only white foam.

Why do EAGLES πŸ¦… fly in circles ?

                                                                             What do you call a migrating Eagle ? An ill-eagle (illegal) immigrant...πŸ˜… Come lets find why Eagles like circles and not squares ⬜.         Air is made of molecules which expand on Sun's heating and contract on cooling. Like a coin (high density) even cold ❄ air sinks down in the atmosphere. This air flow πŸ‘† up and πŸ‘‡ down leads to formation of Thermal Column.... Basically a circular flow of hot air. This Thermal columns help Eagles to fly in circles without waving their wings. Prey Scanning , Territory making and Mating dispalys are also some reasons why they fly in ⭕ circles. So whether it is a Bald Eagle with no hair or the rich Golden Eagle they all fly in circles.

Why Old Books πŸ“š smell good ?

                           Do you know Why Old books go to Therapy ? Because they have a lot of unresolved "twists" in their back πŸ”™ . πŸ˜… Come Lets find why old books have a enigmatic fragrance. Trees 🌴 = PaperπŸ“„.....Paper is made of wood pulp which contains a compound " Lignin " , a complex organic polymer. Lignin reacts with oxygen to become tinted with yellow color. When Sunlight and Heat πŸ”₯ react with this Yellow paper to form "VOC" or Volatile Organic Compounds ( Basically Good Smelling gases ). So whether it is a newspaper or a 12 th grade Maths Book πŸ“™ Smell is more important than what is inside !!

Why do Bullet make "DUBU DUBU" sound πŸ”Š?

                         KTM , YAMAHA , PULSAR have big names but Royal Enfield is the King πŸ‘‘ and everyone's dream like an Apple 🍏 product. Come Lets Unveil the Fantastic Acoustic Phenomenon.... Royal Enfield bikes have "Long Stroke Engines" which are the major reason for the characteristic vintage appeal.                                                             Lets Understand Engine before diving deep.... Recent Engines are mostly 4 stroke Engine or have 4 steps in the process of combustion.  1) The Piston move downwards πŸ‘‡and the fuel + air mixture in ejected into the combustion chamber. 2) Piston moves upwards πŸ‘† and squeezes the fuel ⛽ to create a high pressure. 3) The Spark plug gives a spark ✨ . 4) The Fuel mixture turns into fireπŸ”₯ thereby empowering th...

Why do we get a good feel πŸ˜‡ while scratching ?

When Itching starts, so does Scratching also...... That feel of scratching a mosquito bite is so blissful !! Come lets find the Science behind "Scratching Pleasure 😊 " When you scratch the skin , the "pruriceptors" ( a fancy name to itch receptor ) send signals to the brain to release two hormones Serotonin and Dopamine which are responsible for the feel of "SATISFACTION". The increased blood 🩸flow and psychological relief also contributes to the soothing feeling... So whether it is ant or a mosquito it is scratch which feels good.

Why do Spiders don't get stuck in their own webs ?

                    DO you know why most of the people are addicted to the Internet because a Spider has shot a big world πŸ—Ί wide web ( www )......πŸ˜… Come lets unveil why spiders don't fall in their own trap.... Spiders weave their own silk from abdomen glands. They use the web πŸ•Έ for shelter, transportation and predation.  Spiders have hair like extensions in their legs called setae which acts like non sticky boots πŸ‘’ and they also have a undiscovered chemical which acts phobic to web... They move in non sticky radial lines ⚟ which also prevents them pouring sand on themselves. So whether it is a spider or a person be careful of your own traps.

Why are Tonic bottles brown in color ??

                           Hearing the proverb " Good Things are not attractive ", The medicine toned down the brightness πŸ”† to look brown....(πŸ˜…) Come Lets Unveil the Mystery how Brown preserves the Perfection πŸ‘Œ... Some Medicines are Photosensitive basically - Liquid VampiresπŸ§›‍♂️ afraid of Light. This Brown color blocks the Light and prevents degradation of medicine and reducing its shelf life from 2 years to less than 4 hrs. Brown color also prevents Oxidation and UV radiation. So whether it is a Brown Tonic Bottle or a Human, there is nothing to worry.

Why does a person's face become Red when Angry ??

                            Angry 😑 people become Angry 😑 because they are so Angry 😑........ See even the 😑 emoji has a red face !! Come Lets Find the Science behind Hot Red Heads............. While you are angry because of hunger, stress, irritation or JUST simply your brain secretes a hormone "Adrenaline" which activates our heart ♥ to beat faster and dilates ( opens πŸ”’the pipe ) blood vessels.............. Blood is red and when more red is flowing in the face it becomes red too. So whether it is a man made emoji or the man himself when angry their face turns red . 

Why do we get White hair ??

White hair 🦳 signifies bleached strands of wisdom which sprouts out off the stressed brain🧠.. Come Lets Unveil the vitality of White !!! Our Hair color depends on the amount of paint🎨( pigment ) black πŸ–€ "Melanin" which is produced by factories ( cells ) called Melanocytes... The Intensity of secretion of Melanin alters the color of the Hair and if the the painter has taken a permanent leave ( No Secretion ) then your hair becomes completely white..... White hair can be due to Aging, Stress, Diet and Genetic disorders... So whether it is a Old πŸ§“ man or a teenager Melanin is the decider of your HAIR !!

Why are Spicy food so spicy ??

Spicy food does not have a flavor or taste by itself.... Come Lets discover some burning taste buds !!! Spicy food 🍲 has a compound called Capsaicin which tricks your brain 🧠 that you are experiencing heat πŸ”₯. It binds with pain receptors - "TRPV1" which acts as a agency in travelling by the highway ( nerve ) to send the wrong message of FIRE. Confused πŸ˜• Brain believes in it and gets fooled. So how can you tolerate and defeat Capsaicin....                   * Never Drink Water πŸ’¦!! Capsaicin is insoluble in water and hence disperses the chemical and does more bad than good....           * Drink Buttermilk or milk πŸ₯› related things which helps in neutralizing the effect.           * Eat more Spicy food........................Slowly you get adapted to it. So whether it is a Chili 🌢 or Spicy Lily ......Lactobacilli ( Bacteria in Curd ) is the solution !!

Story of Zero Watt BulbπŸ’‘ ?

                        No , its a misconception that Zero Watt Bulbs never consume any electricity..... In fact if you use it for 24 hrs for 365 days your so called "ZERO" watt bulb πŸ’‘ would cost you 600 rupees !! In olden days the device used to find consumption was inaccurate and hence are Scientists thought πŸ’­"The bulb is glowing but the device is not changing , so this magical bulb doesn't need electricity" . Unfortunately it was not a miraculous invention but technical constraint which inferred that the bulb uses so little power that it doesn't even matter to show in the device.....                        So whether it is a bulb or a human nothing happens without spending energy or putting effort !!

How Ants travel in a Straight LINE ??

                       Ants 🐜 walk straighter than a ruler πŸ“ and a 6 sense gifted so called "most evolutionarily advanced species". Come Let's Find the Nature's most straightforward creatures..... Ants are love sweet symmetry so they release a scented chemical called "Pheromone" which acts like a perfume πŸ‘ƒ⎸road and helps other ants to find the direction towards food πŸ˜‹ or colony. Ants also have an innate ability of Self Body Orientation which also helps in their ideology of being Straight ⎸..... So whether it is a Black or Red Ant its Lifetime Goal πŸ₯… should be to be STRAIGHT in life.  

Why Insects are Attracted to LIGHT ?

Insect's existential attraction towards Alluring Light...... Come Let's unveil the Mystery of Light and the Insect !!! 1) Navigation 🧭:              Insects like moths and beetles 🐞 use moon πŸŒ™ as a reference to navigate during the night. But these artificial sources of light disrupt their navigation systems and fool them. 2) Mating and Instinct :              Stuck in a dark den , if you find a light you are pushed to think that it is the way out. Same happens with these innocent beings. They also think πŸ€” these bright spots to be Mating Places. 3) Heat and UV attraction :               During low temperatures in atmosphere in the night Insects see these Lights as a Source of Heat πŸ”₯. Some insects are also extra sensitive to UV and get attracted to artificial light sources. So whether it is a Philips or Orient light it would be considered great only if attracts Insects 

Lessons from KGF !!!

                                                                                                              Violence , Violence ,Violence I don't like it , but Violence likes me, I can't avoid.... Come Lets Dig into the Plot to extract some Life Lessons from KGF !!! Kindness and Humbleness :                                                                                                                     At whatever societal...

How do Tattoos actually Work ?

Literally Millions of People have Tattoos in every age , gender and country !! Lets Find the Science behind the Art of Ink ✒️ and its Magic. Our Skin has 3 Layers - 1) EPI πŸ‘† ( above ) - Dermis , 2) Dermis , 3) HYPO πŸ‘‡( below ) - Dermis. The Ink is injected in the Dermis Region because --- * Epidermis is thin and continuously changing  * Hypodermis is oily in texture and can make the Design BLURRY..... The Ink deposited underneath the skin gets engulfed by White Blood Cells and this Heavy WBCs to prevent foreign material diffuse into the body - they settle down in the same place.... So the Final Verdict is that whether it is a temporary free tattoo or the diamond tattoo it is possible because of your Immune System.

Why does your Stomach make noise ??

 The growling sounds of stomach - A signal to feed the Hungry beast 🧌. Come Lets Find the Science Behind the Grinder inside the Stomach. The Stomach and Intestines contract and relax to crush πŸ½ , digest and move the food this process is called Peristalsis. This movement causes a rumbling noise. Like the Proverb " Empty Vessels Make More Noise  " - while are Digestive tract is empty the air swallowed by us while eating gets moved by peristalsis which causes this Growling Sound πŸ”‰. This Growling Sound is absolutely Normal...... So the Final Verdict is that whether you snoreπŸ‘ƒin night or not but you stomach snores while you are hungry.

Why are Theatre seats always Red πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄ ?

Theatre is a stage of unveiling magic of heroism, comedy, romance and emotion. This holy place is decorated by alluring ruby red. Have you wondered Why ? Come Let's find the REASONS behind it. 1) Visibility ( Purkinje Effect ) - Red is a mysterious color which is eye-catching in bright conditions and dull in dark conditions. 2) Historical Significance - Red is a popular color associated with royalty, wealth and opulence. 3) Psychological Effect - Red is a color which evokes emotion and senses. It creates a sense of excitement, intensity and passion in the audience enhancing viewing experience and engagement. So the Final Verdict is that whether the movie or popcorn is good or not , the theatre seats should be red.

Why do your Knuckles make that Crackling Sound ?

Do Knuckles have mini crackers inside ? Why do these joints make such weird noises ? Come lets Find the SCIENCE behind it.... Joints are basically connectors of two bones , hence to reduce friction between the bones they have a jelly like Synovial Fluid which acts like a Lubricant and prevents Inflammation of Joints. This Synovial Fluid when stretched forms Nitrogen + Carbon dioxide bubbles which pop on contraction. This formation of bubble takes time which is called Refractory Period and that is why we don't get successive Knuckle Pops. So the Final Verdict is that whether it is Diwali or Pongal you have a free natural eco friendly Cracker to burst.

Why Bulls hate Red color 🚩 🚩?

  IT's A MYTH..... Yes Bulls are not agitated by red color.  Bulls are actually colorblind and dichromatic - they can't even distinguish colors properly. Red actually looks yellowish grey for them. Then why during Spanish Bullfighting Competition this weird behaviour of bulls is seen. Imagine someone coming in front of your face and waves a cloth randomly - would it be irritating or not. More importantly organizers of this program give drugs to enrage the Bulls. So the Final Verdict is that whether you were red or yellow shirt if you go and disturb the Bull you will be kicked by it.