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Showing posts from May, 2023

Why is it hard to hit a fly 😑😑 ??

Inspite of being motivated by the most famous motivational speaker there are somethings which you can't accomplish - one such thing is hitting a fly. Come Let's find the Science behind Frustrating quest to hit the elusive flyers..... Size, Agility, Wing speed and random flying patterns contribute to the perpetual challenge, but the slow motion view of Fly due to high Flicker Fusion Rate ( FFR ) is the game changer. Video is a continuously changing photo πŸ“Έ and the ability of our brain🧠 to analyze the changing photos is called Flicker Fusion Rate. Human brain has FFR of 30 to 60 in comparison with fly which has FFR of 250 which means the fly sees the world slower than us and hence it is able to find quick changes in your behaviour and do emotional damage to you. So the final verdict is that whether you are able to hit the fly or not you have appreciate its exceptional vision.

Why do Bananas 🍌🍌 grow upward πŸ‘†??

"B-an-an-a" , the nature's gravity defying fruit and every KG ( even grade 10πŸ˜…)  student's most confusing dictation word ( The fruit which is easy to eat but difficult to write ). Come lets find the science behind this Upside Down Yoga position !! Bananas πŸŒ show a phenomenon called Negative Geotropism - Cheating the Gravity and Soil to leap towards the Sun 🌞 ( That's why they say Bananas are not groundedπŸ˜… ). This phenomenon is supported by agent " Auxin " which is a hormone present in the tips of stem.  Agent Auxin helps in adapting Banana plant to place their leaves and unripened bananas to receive as much sunlight possible for Photosynthesis. Banana is curved because of the tug of war between gravity and agent auxin. So the final verdict is that whether a banana is yellow or green it should be as good as Pathanjali Guru Ramdev in Yoga.

Why do Pirates wear eye patch πŸ‘πŸ‘??

Whenever we think of Pirates we think of Johnny Depp , skeleton , large ship and invariably the  eye patch. Many think it might be because while having a ruthless combat pirates might have lost an eye or it is fashion statement.  Come Lets find the Science behind the eye patch …. I hope we all might have had a dizzy star Tom and Jerry moment while we got out off theatre. Our eye has a dark central black dot "Pupil" which alters the amount of light entering the eye. With the help of eye ciliary muscles it constricts in bright light and dilates on dim light. This process of adaptation to the environment by the eye is called EYE ADAPTATION. This process takes time upto 20 minutes for completion.  Pirates have to fight above and below the deck so they adapt one eye completely to darkness for emergency. So the final verdict is that whether a Pirate is good at robbing or not they have to wear an eye patch.

Why is " Quartz " in every clock ⏰ ⏰ ??

Do you know what is common between a 200 rupee local watch and a 10000 rupee G shock watch ? Yes it is the " Quartz " word. Come Lets know the significance of the Quartz in watches. In olden days , our grandparents used pendulum clocks which were inaccurate as in summer and winter the time changed causing issues. Here comes Quartz to the rescue. Quartz is a white crystal mined like gold which has a special property to vibrate insanely at a frequency of 32758 Hz when electric currentπŸ’‘ is applied. With the help of flipflop circuits its frequency is reduced to 1 Hz corresponding to the hand of the clock.  Quartz is used because of its stability towards temperature , high accuracy , low power consumption , durability and reliability. So the final verdict is that whether the clock shows time or not it should have QUARTZ.

Why pineapple makes your tongue burn πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ ??

Even if we eat a slice of spiny lush yellow delight tongue starts dancing , then think of SpongeBob who live in a Pineapple House. Jokes Apart come lets know the SCIENCE behind it...….. Some might think pineapple 🍍 has citric acid and malic acid ( 0.6 - 1.2 % ) so it cause this harmless and temporary burning sensation but Lemon πŸ‹  has 5 % then by the same logic would cause a tongue fire πŸ”₯. The real reason is that Pineapple has "Bromelain" enzyme which breakdown the protective proteinaceous mucus layer which makes the tongue extra sensitive to acidic medium. SO here are they ways you can control the fire in the mouth without an extinguisher🧯!!  1) Keep the pineapple in saltwater for 30 mins ( That's why SpongeBob is not burnt outπŸ˜…)  2) Eat Pineapple with dairy products which is a source of proteins and can help to neutralize  3) Heat or cook Pineapple to denature the enzyme.  

Why is saffron so expensive πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ ??

  The purple violet buds with strands of the most expensive spice in the world dances with dew on its beautiful face to allure the harvesters. Come lets know the reason behind its crazy prize ?? 1) Labour Intensive Harvesting and Processing:Saffron is extracted from Crocus sativa flower which has only three delicated red stigmas which is hand picked manualy. More than 40 hours of manual work is needed to extract one kilogram of Saffron. 2) Low Yield : It takes 1.5 Lakh flowers for extracting one kg of saffron and only 1.8 kg can be extracted from 1 kg whereas 2 tonnes of rice can be extracted from same one acre. 3) Geographical Constraints : Saffron cultivation is limited to specific climatic and soil conditions like Spain , Kashmir and Iran. 4) Quality Assurance : Due to increasing demand and popularity of flavor and medicinal value of saffron adulterated and counterfeit saffron.

Why do newspapers have these four dots ?

  Do you know what is common in Times of India , The Hindu , Indian Express everyday ? Not the news but these color dots called color bars. Let's Find the Reason behind it. Cyan, Yellow, Magenta and Black are the four basic colors of print medium , hence the colors mix to help us to see whether our Prime minister is wearing a orange or white dress. First of all the digital image of the Newspaper in RGB ( Red Green Blue ) form gets converted into CMYK ( Cyan Yellow Magenta Key - Black ) form and the gets printed first in cyan and then overlapped by magenta and then by yellow and black. In a traditional printing factor more than 50 thousand papers are produced per hour, so it is difficult to check them manually. Here comes the four dots for the rescue helping in color reproduction and color alignment thereby clarifying whether ink density and flow is correct by just a scan by a sensor. So whether the news has content or useful information or not it should have these four dots.

Why is Mona Lisa SO EXPENSIVE πŸ€‘ πŸ€‘ $$$ ??

Mona Lisa if auctioned could make Billionaires pocket hollow a little bit. Why isn't this painting like every other KG student's sketch so normal ?? Come lets know the glory behind it.  1) Artistic Background      Mona Lisa was drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci , one of the most renowned artist , scientist , mathematician and sculptor. 2) Intricate Details     Sfumato ( subtle blending of colors ) , Chiraoscuro (  Contrasts , depth and three dimensionality ) and Sgrafitto are the various creative groundbreaking techniques combined with Da Vinci's meticulous attention to detail and his ability to capture the subtle nuances of expression , contribute to the enduring allure and brilliance. 3) Cultural Value    Mona Lisa is seen as a physical testament of western culture and art. Its cultural significance and fascination contributes to its high value. 4) Popularity and Demand   Mona Lisa's constant demand and its attraction of millions of...

Why Onion Makes You Cry 😭 ???

Even the STRONGEST πŸ’ͺ Marvel character is no exception to the brutality of these cruel infinitely layered ONIONS (πŸ§…).  Come Lets know the Science behind this vegie which makes you cry like a 1 year old. When you cut an onion, it releases a compound called propanethial S - oxide.This compound being a volatile irritant reacts with moisture to form mild sulphuric acid that reaches the eye and stimulates out tear glands to flush out this cry baby molecule out of our cooking dreams.This crying phenomenon is a natural defence mechanism adapted by our body over the centuries.  So here's how you can win a Onion cutting competion without crying :      1) Chill the onion in the freezer for 15 mins which reduces the rapid release of onion.     2) Use a sharp knife , which will damage less onion cells     3) Wear protective goggles which will shield your eyes from irritant.     4) Cut near running water  But if you ar...